There are several topics related to measurement in kindergarten, and one is size. In this post, I’m going to talk about what to teach, ideas for teaching about size, and size activities for the whole group, small groups/centers, and using technology!
What Do Kindergarten Students Need to Know About Size?
In kindergarten, we expect students to describe and compare measurable attributes. In terms of size, they need to know the related vocabulary, and if something has more or less of an attribute (such as bigger or smaller). Kindergarteners should also be able to classify and sort items into a category, such as long and short, to count the number of objects in each category, and to know which category has more or less.
Size-related vocabulary includes:
- Big, small, and medium
- Bigger, larger, and smaller
- Biggest, largest, and smallest
- Tall, long and short
- Taller, longer and shorter
- Tallest, longest and shortest
Kindergarten Size Activities for Teaching and Practice
Whole Group
Start with explicit lessons, teaching vocabulary, and how to compare. Play games to practice the topic with your students, to further develop skills and assess for understanding.
Some ideas include:
– Show students an object and have them find others around the classroom that are bigger or smaller.
– Show 2 images and ask if one is taller or shorter than the other, or bigger or smaller.
– Have students line up by height or compare 2 students to identify who is taller or shorter.
– Group students by 2 or more and have them compare lengths of personal items, such as shoes, hair length, hand size, or height.

Small Group or Math Centers
- Set out items for students to sort by size (can use sorting mats or bins/baskets for this activity).
- Cut and glue images to order them by size (I have several activities like this in my Teachers Pay Teachers store, if you’re interested!). Check out some freebies here.
Technology for Size Practice
Boom Cards
My favourite technology tool for teaching any skill or concept is Boom Cards. They’re super engaging and provide immediate feedback, making them the perfect independent learning center. I have another post all about Boom Cards if you want to read it here.
Online Games
Identify the Object with Shorter Length (SplashLearn)
Identify which Object is Longer (SplashLearn)
Align and Compare Length (SplashLearn)
Equal Lengths (SplashLearn)
Longest and Shortest (SplashLearn)
Tallest and Shortest (SplashLearn)
Order by Length (SplashLearn)
Order by Height (SplashLearn)
Comparing By Size (Top Marks)
Dinosaur Train Ordering By Size (PBSKids)
Long and Short (MathGames)
Tall and Short (MathGames)
For more topics to cover in kindergarten math, check out this post – My Fundamental Guide to Teaching Math in Kindergarten.
Penguins Sorting by Size FREEBIE!
Grab this penguin size sorting resource for FREE! It includes a sorting mat, penguin size cards, and a worksheet to sort by size. I use them for morning tubs & centers. The worksheet is also useful for assessment! If you’re looking for more penguin sorting, check out Penguin Sorting by Size and Color. You may also like Penguin Size Activities (Printable and Boom Cards) and a Free Penguin Size Boom Cards deck.
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